Young&Bold Policy Plan

The aim and the actions taken by the foundation


Money management and spending

Remuneration policy

Contact information

Annual reports

Our ultimate goal is to create a digital ecosystem where professionals, students, academia, entrepreneurs, NGOs, and other stakeholders can work together through different social silos towards solving social impact issues that they care about. 

Therefore, our purpose is to build bridges amongst these stakeholders to create a virtual circle where we can help, inspire, innovate, and collaborate to accomplish our desire for a better world.  

Our very first event would have been the Hack-a-Day (earlier scheduled for the 4th of April, but unfortunately postponed until further notice due to the Covid-19 impact). During this event, multiple teams of young professionals would have worked together with entrepreneurs, designers and professionals to work on compelling projects aiming to contribute to society in a meaningful and sustainable way. 

We are currently working on organising a virtual version of the Hack-a-Ton with one client called Movement on the Ground. Their objective is to support victims of humanitarian crises affecting the innocent men, women and children forced from their homes. Now mainly active at Lesbos. One of the challenges that we would like to be seen solved on that particular day is the plastic pollution at the island. Working on more sustainable options than the single-use plastic. 

Furthermore, we have built on a digital community at our Instagram page ( where we organised weekly sessions with experts on stage who shared how to stay bold & resilient in times of crises (related to the pandemic)   

Until now, we have not received nor requested any funds. We are working on a button ‘donate now’ on our website to collect money from the community. Besides, there is one donor from the US that is willing to transfer money once our bank account is live. 

We, as a team, will decide during team meetings where the money is needed the most and where it should go. Ahmed Nour Nayel is the treasurer of the foundation so he does have the end responsibility that the money is well-spent.

There is a non-remuneration policy for members of the Young and Bold Foundation

The foundation is registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with the registration number: 75991381

RSIN number: 860470295

Postal address is:
Stichting Young & Bold 
Bierstraat 123, Unit C
3011XA, Rotterdam